Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Buy Bump Key Proof Locks

Recently, there have been many articles and videos posted on the internet concerning “bump keys”. These are easy-to-make, readily available keys which can be used to defeat the vast majority of deadbolt locks used in the United States, Europe and Asia. Bump keys can be purchased online, or can be bought from your local hardware store or locksmith. With a little practice, anyone can use them to gain entry into your home or business. There are over 2,390,000 websites listed on Google which contain information on bump keying and 345 online videos teaching this technique. Even if you have not heard of it, the criminals have.

This technique is insidious, because it leaves no sign of forced entry. If a burglar uses it, it will be difficult for a homeowner or business owner to prove that a crime took place. An insurance company could make the difficult to refute argument that the crime was staged or that the homeowner or business owner was negligent for leaving their door open. Finally, an intruder could gain undetected access to the property many times because of the nature of this technique.

To protect yourself, you should replace your locks with “high-security” locks. These locks cannot be bumped, either because they do not use keys, or because they are designed to prevent it.

Medeco Locks manufacture bump proof high security locks. They have a video on their website demonstrating how their locks prevent this practice. You may also want to consider, electronic keyless, remote or biometric locks.