Friday, December 28, 2007

Tips to Trim Your Waistline and Your Debt

Sometimes, someone expresses an idea better than you can. This is the case with this blog post. As I have spent the past year helping people get out of debt and improve their credit, I have realized the similarity between getting out of debt and losing weight. Both require consistency on a daily basis. Also, when broken down to their simplest terms, both involve lifestyle changes and simple math. If you use more calories than you consume, you will inevitably lose weight. If you earn more than you spend, you will be able to get out of debt.

There are many weight loss and financial programs out there. What works for one person may not work for others. Some people will prefer trying to earn more money, others would rather spend less, while another group may want to try a hybrid approach. Whatever approach you choose, as long as you are consistent and the math works in your favor, you cannot fail.

Here's to a happy, healthy and prosperous 2008.

URL: Tips to Trim Your Waistline and Your Debt

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Anonymous said...

Definately agree! There are so many different solutions out there (IVA, debt management, debt consolidation, remortgaging, bankruptcy...), the key is finding one that suits your circumstances & then sticking to it! I love the consistency angle of your article!

Anonymous said...

It is the case with this article - I could never have expressed this idea better. A very novel article. Thanks!